Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Salmon and Collard Greens

I inherited some collard greens recently, and never having cooked them before, I decided they obviously needed to be wilted with bacon grease.  We couldn't make this dinner too healthy, could we?

First I cooked the chopped bacon and removed it from the pan to a paper towel, then utilized the grease to cook the chopped red onion and garlic.
Once softened, I added the freshly washed collard greens to the skillet.  I ripped them up a little, but you don't need to chop them too finely because once they wilt it will be like nothing is left of the original leaf.  
After a few minutes the greens will become wilted.  You can also add some water or broth to aid in the wilting process if you're low on grease/oil.  
At this point I added some chicken broth and then put my salmon on top of the collard greens to let the greens continue to stew and the salmon could be steamed from the heat of the greens.  
I put a lid on the skillet and cooked for about 10-15 minutes to allow the fish to cook and the collard greens to soften more.  Once done I cooked without the lid to allow the last of the broth to evaporate.  I then mixed the bacon back in with the collard greens and plated them with the salmon.