Thursday, February 17, 2011

Butternut Squash Soup

It should come as a surprise to no one that my garnish of choice was bacon.
We've had a giant butternut squash sitting on our kitchen table for awhile now thanks to the roommate's CSA box, so it was high time it turned into something more edible.  I love butternut squash soup, but I've never made it before, nor have I ever peeled and sliced a butternut squash.  It was a fun, albeit time consuming endeavor.  Sadly I did not capture the squash in it's pre soup glory, so you'll have to imagine a giant, fresh, organic squash, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes, seeds removed.

Ingredients: 1 large butternut squash, 1/4 cup chopped onion, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1 14 oz can chicken broth, water, curry seasonings, salt/pepper, 1/4 cup milk/cream, bacon for garnish
Start by sauteing the onions and garlic in either butter, oil, or bacon grease.  Once softened, add your squash and seasonings.  I found the curry powder to be a nice compliment, but sage or thyme could be nice too.
I wanted to saute the squash just a little bit without liquids, which may or may not have added any depth of flavor, but I went with it.  I added the can of chicken broth, then a canful of water.  I wanted to barely cover the squash, and as it cooked and the liquid reduced, I'd add a little more water.  Let cook for about 30 minutes.

Once you can smash the squash with a fork or spoon, it's time to blend.  Bust out those immersion blenders, otherwise transfer to a regular blender and blend until smooth.  I then added a little milk here, because I was out of cream, and some more pepper and a little salt.  Season to your liking.  I poured the soup, garnished with bacon, and enjoyed.

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