Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shrimp, Vegetable, and Bacon Stir Fry over Rice Pilaf

Another pretty simple stir-fry over rice...with the addition of my favorite condiment: bacon.  Choose your veggies, saute them in olive oil, add your seasonings, serve over rice. 

Always cook your veggies in the order of what will take the longest to soften to what will take the quickest amount of time.  I always start with the garlic and onion.  Then I'll add the zucchini and asparagus.  Once they're to a good level of doneness I'll add the raw shrimp which I chopped, and when it's almost cooked entirely I'll add the corn and spinach since they don't really need to cook, just be warm. 

For seasonings I added a little cumin, coriander, and salt and pepper.  I could've gone for a wet marinade, but I wanted to keep it simple and let the flavors of the ingredients provide the flavor.  And then, since I can't resist, I threw in some chopped cooked bacon at the end for what I like to consider a nice fusion flair. 

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