Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pasta with Bacon in a Feta Cream Sauce

We have a lot of feta cheese leftover from a dinner party last weekend, so I decided to try for a feta cream sauce for my pasta and this is what I came up with.  I adore cream sauces for pasta and the roux (flour + butter, or in this case bacon grease) is what ensured proper thickening of the sauce while the cheeses took care of the flavor.  

Ingredients from my fridge: Bacon, Garlic, Scallions, Mushrooms, Cream, Milk, Feta Cheese, Gruyere Cheese (substitute any ingredient with your fav veggies, meats, or cheeses instead)
Ingredients from my pantry: Farfale pasta, All purpose flour, pepper

Cook 3 slices of chopped bacon with a little garlic, mushrooms, and chopped scallions until cooked through.  Moving the bacon et al. to the side of the saute pan I added flour to the bacon grease to create a roux (about 2 tbsp worth of flour).  Then I added cream and milk to the mixture (about 1-1.5 cups total volume between the two) and stirred constantly as it thickened.  Lowering the heat I added the feta (about 3/4 cup worth) and mixed it in completely.  I also topped off with some freshly grated gruyere.  Add the freshly cooked pasta, some cracked pepper, and voila! Last Night's Dinner!

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