Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here We Go

Last night I made dinner, as I am often wont to do, but I looked at my food and thought, the rest of the world needs to see this (thanks reality tv and the internet for making me think people should care about what I eat).

I always talked about starting a food blog.  Friends have been supportive, probably because I continue to feed them so they continue to stroke my ego.  But last night I decided it's finally happening.  Now how am I different from the million of other food blogs out there?  I'm certainly not.  If you're reading this you probably know me or got lost on your way to a different website.  But rather than throw recipes and restaurant reviews at you in typical fashion, I will rather chronicle what I have for dinner (every night? we'll see how dedicated I can be).  That way, if you're ever struggling with the "ok i've got frozen chicken, one zucchini, fava beans, and milk...what can I make for dinner?" you can see how I resolved that same issue.  Or perhaps I'll be motivated to actually purchase ingredients with a specific recipe in mind and then we'll really be going to town.  We'll start off slow, with a picture or two and maybe a recipe thrown in for good measure (unless the recipe is: purchase kraft mac and cheese, follow box directions).  

So you, my loyal readers, will get to see what I eat.  You can choose to make it for yourselves, cringe at the fact that I ate only a bag of doritos for dinner, or plan on heading to that night's restaurant.  Bon Appetit!