Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shrimp, Bacon, and Goat Cheese Salad

It apparently came as a shock to most of my friends and family that i made a salad for dinner last night.  Ok, it shocked me too.  But i have so much leftover lettuce that's going bad!  So what do you add to vegetables to make them taste better?  Bacon! 

I'm pretty sure you don't need my help knowing how to make a salad, but this is what I put in it:  shrimp (poached like in the previous blog entry), bacon, diced shallot, corn, and a mix of fresh baby greens.  I made the dressing with 2 parts extra virgin olive oil to 1 part red wine vinegar, and whisked with salt and pepper and some freshly chopped basil.  Pour the dressing over the salad, toss, and at the end add the goat cheese and toss once again.  (The goat cheese is what makes the dressing in the above picture look more like a ranch, because I tossed it too much and it lost it's individual clumps...still delicious though.)

The magic touch, however, was when I scooped the bacon onto the lettuce, I didn't drain first on paper towels.  That way some residual bacon grease ended up wilting the greens, and in my opinion really improving their taste.  

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