Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tarragon Potato Latkes with Smoked Salmon and Sour Cream

This was last night's dinner, but I'd recommend it for brunch.  This is a very simple potato latke recipe, so if you have another that you prefer, keep doing what you're doing. 

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 1 shallot or 1/2 a small onion, 1 egg, 1 tbsp flour, 1 tsp dried tarragon or 2 tbsp fresh tarragon, salt and pepper
Toppings: smoked salmon, sour cream or creme fraiche, tarragon to garnish

Begin by grating the potatoes, I used russet, and the onion or shallot with a coarse cheese grater.  Place grated potato in a dish towel and ring out all the water.  Place potato and shallot in a bowl.
The potato may start to turn color, so you can add a splash of lemon juice if you aren't able to work quickly and tend to the potatoes immediately.  Next, whisk your egg and add it to the bowl, followed by the flour.  Once mixed, season with salt, pepper, and tarragon.

Heat a thin layer of olive oil in a skillet.  Form potato mixture into little balls and place in heated oil over medium to medium/high heat.  Press down to flatten.  Cook about 3 minutes on one side then flip over.  Continue cooking until you've reached your desired level of brown doneness. 
Once cooked, you may drain on a paper towel, or not if you don't care about a little residual oil.  Top with a dollop of sour cream, any amount of smoked salmon you want, and a sprinkle of tarragon.

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