Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feta Mashed Potatoes

Yes, an entire post dedicated to my favorite tuber in one of its best forms: the mashed potato.  Again, needing to use up some potatoes and the last of the cream I couldn't quite finish with the risotto, I opted for a dish that never fails me.  Really any potato will do.  I happened to be using small yellow potatoes.

Peel, slice, boil.  Make sure the potatoes are of comparable sizes so they'll cook evenly.  When a fork inserted in the potatoes reveals them to be soft and slightly falling apart, you're ready to drain.  Next comes the good part.  Over very low heat, add your mix-ins.  Start with your butter, then your milk or cream (I used cream last makes for a richer potato) and some salt and pepper (unless you boiled the potatoes in salt water, then be careful not too add to much).  If you're going for cheesy or garlic potatoes, add those now too.  I have a ton of feta cheese in my fridge so that was last night's flavor.  
Now you're ready to start your mashing.  Start by adding less butter/cream than you would think you need so you can add more once you get going.  No one wants runny potatoes, but dry potatoes are easy to salvage.  Once mashed to a desired consistency, you can add other mix-ins.  Spinach, bacon, whatever strikes your fancy.   And there you have it.  I'm not above eating a heaping plate of mashed potatoes with bacon on top as my only dinner item....they're that good. 

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