Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My apologies for the blogging hiatus, but the holiday weekend found me in a different state...Ohio.  But now that we're back to the daily grind, it's time to use up ingredients that will go bad if they're in my fridge any longer.  So in order to utilize the last of my heavy cream and scallions: risotto.

The key ingredient is the rice.  I always keep arborio rice on hand for impromptu risotto.  The next key ingredient is the broth.  If you have those two things, you're pretty much set for a basic risotto, but obviously more ingredients are preferable. 

Typically you begin by sauteing onions in butter and olive oil and when tender you add the rice to coat in the oil/butter.  I, lacking onions, opted for scallions.  Then once you add the rice comes the fun part, i.e. you can't really leave the kitchen for the next 22 minutes.  If you have an open bottle of white wine, throw in about a quarter of a cup before you switch to broth.  But if this impromptu risotto resulted in no white wine lying around your kitchen you can go straight to the broth, as I did last night.  You'll want to add the broth (I opted for chicken) in batches.  Initially covering the rice, keep the pot over medium heat, stir occasionally, and when the broth is mostly absorbed add more.  You'll keep adding broth for the next 20-25 minutes until the rice wont absorb any more.  (The box will tell you how many cups of rice/broth are needed, but I usually just eyeball it).  At this point I added the shrimp.  (I'm also a fan of salmon or mushroom risotto, but feel free to add any combination of sauteed veggies you like.)  For the finishing touches, add a little heavy whipping cream, and some parmesan cheese.  I also threw in some salt and pepper and basil.  You can obviously adjust the creaminess to your liking, and the more it sits, the more it will continue to thicken and absorb the moisture.

Ingredients: Arborio rice, chicken broth, heavy cream, parmesan cheese, shrimp, scallions, basil, salt and pepper

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